Finally the need to write is beginning to stir up again. It has been awfully long time since I felt the compulsion to sign into this blog and type something up. Here and there I began a few posts, but they remain incomplete, waiting to meet a conclusion of sorts, but nothing has happened so far.
Perhaps it was writer's block or the fact that I am one of the most mentally restive people I know, (so much so that I have self-diagnosed myself with Adult ADD) or maybe my mental processor had so much information to assimilate that instead it decided to just go into hibernation. It’s not like I didn’t have blog-worthy stuff happen to me or come into my observation, just none of it made me want to sign into the blog and type about it.
Anyway I am here and a few things happened since I last made the rounds of the web –sphere. Made a Trip to Washington DC and a second trip to one of my favorite cities in America - Miami (since that’s the closest place to Karachi), worked at least a 100 12+hours days at DIRECTV (which is where I am consulting at the moment), aggregated yet another year of life to my age, watched M tie the knot, missed yet another wedding, saw couple of dear friends take a step towards parenthood, oh and the big one was getting past the ALIEN status and becoming a Permanent resident of these United States. There is a whole lot to talk about and discuss, but it is really late in the night or I should say really early in the morning and I am literally falling asleep as I type. The only reason I am forcing myself to finish this particular post is so that I won’t have yet another sad looking incomplete post sitting in my account, waiting to reach a climax.
So I am off now but hopefully I will be a little more consistent and would be able to breathe some life into this nearly dead blog. I need to come up with some better ideas.