A life that has given her lots of ups and downs has made her into a strong woman. Perhaps a woman of substance.
It is not easy to write about her. Its not that she is very complex or there isn't a whole lot to say about her. Its just that at this time I am talking to her on the phone (well mostly she is talking) She talks non-stop and I give her a hard time every now and then (I should add as always).
You know how people sit and think about different things, quietly, by themselves. Well M does it too...only with me as audience. I will either be sitting on her couch or will be at work reading her chat or will be on the other end of the phone, like right now.
Well now that I have hung up and I can think a bit more clearly, lets see if I can come up with more material. She will read this tomorrow, I am sure she will. I think she opens my blog every day secretly hoping that perhaps today I have mentioned her. Just kidding M. But you know you do...no no just kidding ;) (but you do, admit it lol)
She is smart (when she wants to be) , funny (read very funny), hyper (read extremely-bouncing off-the-walls-on-most-days-hyper), very caring , loving and sweet. I met her 2.5 years ago when my ex-friend/raakhee brother hooked her up with me as a roommate. We clicked instantly. She was all I wanted in a roommate plus I could boss her into cleaning and washing the dishes on time lol. I tell you it was meant to be.
We have had lots of ups and downs, some fights (mostly in New York), some distances (I am a nomad after all), some differences of opinion (I discuss/She thinks we are arguing ) and many endless nights of gossip, laughter and girl talk.
She has been a great friend, someone I can always be honest with, knowing full well she will not judge me. She tries to get me even when she has no idea what I am on about (lot of people feel that way, but she is a lot less vocal). She puts up with the drama in my world (and we all know there is plenty), and I try to help clean-up the messes in hers. She opens her house, her heart, her brand new car for those who give her unceasing love and support, and whom she loves unconditionally. I am lucky to be one of "those".
M, no matter how many times you will make me wanna beat you up and no matter how many times we fight (in and out of New York), and no matter how many times you have to step back to give me the space to change, I know that we will find our way back to each other, because friendships like ours can actually brave the test of time. You, me and Guru ji, truly make "threes, a company".
The crazy, great-hearted, totally clueless M. Love ya girl.

A clear definition of friendship... but clueless sometime hurts more than the heart can spare....here is a senario...you go explainig your agony..she listens...then she says "you know sh*** and Mi*** we re telling me.....".....and your reactions is "UH?$%^&*^&*()(*&!@#..."...well atleast she cares you of other matters....lol...
You made me cry early Sunday morning. I wanted to give you a call and express how I am feeling right now....but I guess you muct be sleeping.
:) Thankyou for such a sweet blog....although I never expected to see a blog on me and not with a title BFF.
Now thats a cool friend to have! I request you make her phone # public!
All said and done...I am always happy to know that I hear all the criticism about me, on my face. :)
@Guru Ji: only I can understand what you have written lol but you are right, we should appreciate what the person is giving us and I know she gives me her very best
@mitali: Love you too sweets and yes I am afraid I will be brutally honest with you...always becoz you are worth giving a second chance....repeatedly lol
@apoo: lol, I think she didnt read this comment else she would have something to say to this hehehhe. Interested?
poor...apoo...getting a taste of "M"..she only red what she wanted to read...lol...lol...lol..
Bherry Bherry cute!!!
Nothing of that sort! "M" is just... very... SHY!! :P
Please setup a poll and let the public vote on if they would like "M"'s number to be listed. I say this not for me, but the general good of the public. Friends like these should be shared :P
Apoo how about you put your number on the poll and let M decide if she wants to be friends with you. :)
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...there you go apooo...now wat u say?
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