My mind refuses to cough up a decent post. I guess it is the gloomy weather or its the gloomy me or its just the way world is right now, depressing.
Nonetheless, I need to exercise the brain , this blog has to serve its purpose and I cannot go back into a writing drought of 5 yrs. SO i decided to write whatever comes to my mind. Today's post is dedicated to the randomness of my thoughts.Today I called up my favourite cousin in Pakistan to wish him a happy eid. As we talked i realised being grown up really sucks. Whats to like? Your responsibilities increase each passing day, you parents grow older and older, you have to take care of yourself, you need to know answers to all your questions, manage your money and your relationships. On top of all this, you have to work. **I really don't like my papa Ami getting old :( **
Awareness/knowledge/ambitions inversely proportional to contentment. The more we know, the more we expect from ourselves and our lives and more discontent we become. My mother's mother didn't even think she could be anything but a mother and didn't think husbands are supposed to do anything but provide, result: fairly content life. My mother felt she could do a little more than just be a regular housewife and mother and also felt my father needed to more attentive, result: not so content life. I grew up believing I could do anything I want, I expect to be a mother, a wife and career woman and I want a husband who is a partner in marriage, result: a schizophrenic, sort of discontent life. Hence proven, ignorance can be bliss.
Why cant an hourly paid employee take a paid sick day off or get paid for public holidays. I can work on Christmas but I cant since the office is closed. I cant even switch Christmas day with Eid day if I wanted. I work on Eid day, I can work on Christmas day. But I cant since the office is closed, so how come they don't pay me. PAY ME NOWWWW
Seattle is rainy and green and has more company head offices than Id like to count. It is here that Tom Hanks was sleepless, and it is here that Frasier was listening and its where Dr. McDreamy found love again. It is a really gorgeous, dreamy place. Every time I sit in a warm coffee place with a fireplace and old Sinatra or Dean martin music, rain pouring softly against the window panes, I feel like I am part of a Black and White Hollywood movie and any minute a Gregory Peck look-alike will walk in through the door and sweep me off my feet. Hmmmmm maybe I should stop drinking coffee. *sigh*
When do I wash my car? It is new and it is black and it lives in Seattle. The day it rains you cant see if it is dirty, on the days it doesn't rain it looks like a black and Brown polka-dot car. But if I wash it , it will rain the next day and the cycle will continue. Sooo when is the rain going to stop? anyone?
So are we constantly trying to recreate the time when we were the happiest? The most unadulterated, unbroken happiness? The time when our spirits and our minds were fully integrated. No conflict, no sadness and no discontentment. When every dawn was brighter than the last, when anything was possible and when our laughter was as pure as it can be. No time measures up to it and no company measures up to the company we had then. At some sub-conscious level, perhaps we are. Is it fair, perhaps not.
When is too much hard work...too much? When do you know you should quit? When do you know it is OK to give up and that no matter how much you stretch out your resources you will not be able to accomplish what you are trying to achieve. And how can you give up without feeling like a failure?
I see too many people running on the treadmill single-minded as if running away from some unseen ghosts and demons. They are too thin already. They are too fit. What are they trying to proof? Hmmm wow this was such a deep thought. Maybe worth a post.
Why doesn't it rain the day I have my umbrella and am wearing my rain boots? Sunny days, I leave home in my nice coat, wearing my suede boots, and by afternoon its raining. Why is God having so much fun at my expense, or rather at the expense of my boots. I love my shoes :(
My mind works non-stop and the thoughts never seem to end. How will I ever end this post?
Diesel - my new roommate's two year old cat hates me. Animals have always loved me but he hates me. He is black with white paws and he likes to bite. A cat that bites, please tell me I'm not the only one who thinks this is weird.
My new roommate doesn't want me to say "Oh my God!!" when I am at home and she is around. All I say to that...OH MY GOD!!!!!!!
I am tired and its almost time to go home. I have a yoga class to go to and hopefully I have taken all my thoughts out here and now I can have a truly spiritual and mind/soul cleansing experience. Ommmmmmmmmm
Nonetheless, I need to exercise the brain , this blog has to serve its purpose and I cannot go back into a writing drought of 5 yrs. SO i decided to write whatever comes to my mind. Today's post is dedicated to the randomness of my thoughts.Today I called up my favourite cousin in Pakistan to wish him a happy eid. As we talked i realised being grown up really sucks. Whats to like? Your responsibilities increase each passing day, you parents grow older and older, you have to take care of yourself, you need to know answers to all your questions, manage your money and your relationships. On top of all this, you have to work. **I really don't like my papa Ami getting old :( **
Awareness/knowledge/ambitions inversely proportional to contentment. The more we know, the more we expect from ourselves and our lives and more discontent we become. My mother's mother didn't even think she could be anything but a mother and didn't think husbands are supposed to do anything but provide, result: fairly content life. My mother felt she could do a little more than just be a regular housewife and mother and also felt my father needed to more attentive, result: not so content life. I grew up believing I could do anything I want, I expect to be a mother, a wife and career woman and I want a husband who is a partner in marriage, result: a schizophrenic, sort of discontent life. Hence proven, ignorance can be bliss.
Why cant an hourly paid employee take a paid sick day off or get paid for public holidays. I can work on Christmas but I cant since the office is closed. I cant even switch Christmas day with Eid day if I wanted. I work on Eid day, I can work on Christmas day. But I cant since the office is closed, so how come they don't pay me. PAY ME NOWWWW
Seattle is rainy and green and has more company head offices than Id like to count. It is here that Tom Hanks was sleepless, and it is here that Frasier was listening and its where Dr. McDreamy found love again. It is a really gorgeous, dreamy place. Every time I sit in a warm coffee place with a fireplace and old Sinatra or Dean martin music, rain pouring softly against the window panes, I feel like I am part of a Black and White Hollywood movie and any minute a Gregory Peck look-alike will walk in through the door and sweep me off my feet. Hmmmmm maybe I should stop drinking coffee. *sigh*
When do I wash my car? It is new and it is black and it lives in Seattle. The day it rains you cant see if it is dirty, on the days it doesn't rain it looks like a black and Brown polka-dot car. But if I wash it , it will rain the next day and the cycle will continue. Sooo when is the rain going to stop? anyone?
So are we constantly trying to recreate the time when we were the happiest? The most unadulterated, unbroken happiness? The time when our spirits and our minds were fully integrated. No conflict, no sadness and no discontentment. When every dawn was brighter than the last, when anything was possible and when our laughter was as pure as it can be. No time measures up to it and no company measures up to the company we had then. At some sub-conscious level, perhaps we are. Is it fair, perhaps not.
When is too much hard work...too much? When do you know you should quit? When do you know it is OK to give up and that no matter how much you stretch out your resources you will not be able to accomplish what you are trying to achieve. And how can you give up without feeling like a failure?
I see too many people running on the treadmill single-minded as if running away from some unseen ghosts and demons. They are too thin already. They are too fit. What are they trying to proof? Hmmm wow this was such a deep thought. Maybe worth a post.
Why doesn't it rain the day I have my umbrella and am wearing my rain boots? Sunny days, I leave home in my nice coat, wearing my suede boots, and by afternoon its raining. Why is God having so much fun at my expense, or rather at the expense of my boots. I love my shoes :(
My mind works non-stop and the thoughts never seem to end. How will I ever end this post?
Diesel - my new roommate's two year old cat hates me. Animals have always loved me but he hates me. He is black with white paws and he likes to bite. A cat that bites, please tell me I'm not the only one who thinks this is weird.
My new roommate doesn't want me to say "Oh my God!!" when I am at home and she is around. All I say to that...OH MY GOD!!!!!!!
I am tired and its almost time to go home. I have a yoga class to go to and hopefully I have taken all my thoughts out here and now I can have a truly spiritual and mind/soul cleansing experience. Ommmmmmmmmm
Only this much?! I am sure there's still a lot in there. :D
It's something strange for me...your desire of expressing everything that comes to your mind.
Well actually thanku for teaching me how to express my thoughts. :)
This is not everything...and no I dont express everything that comes to my mind...You dont know the half of it lol
You are welcome
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