So much happened last year so many life altering events, that somewhere along the way I lost my capability to write. I kept opening the blog to write something and logged off without hitting the Publish button. So many incomplete posts are sitting in my drafts queue awaiting culmination.
Now that things are becoming somewhat constant, my brain needs an avenue to vent out and rant again. I guess normally it should be the opposite case but then when did my brain work like that of a normal human being's.
See I am in more of a zoombie like state when I am dealing with crap. The most normal reaction during this time is a momentary extmepore sobbing, most likely in my car, followed by a few random yells of "WHY ME??" and flipping of the finger at a few passing vehicles (I am not proud of this).
Once all crap has been ummm well...had, I need to assess and absorb all that has passed (eww I just realised the wordplay here). During this stage the brain is so preoccupied 'assessing', it can barely do much else. It's been hard having a conversation with people without talking about the crap, I can barely keep track of work, it has become impossible to park my car, I keep forgetting stuff (OK that is not really any different than regular times, I should really look into that but I digress). All I want to do is sit in front of the TV and flip through channels and let my subconcsious mind Process and Assess.
But now I am done with this mindless excercise. Its has been exhausting without producing much of a result. I can sense people are tired of hearing me whine, the work is not getting done and I still cant remember things (really that sounds like a bigger issue). So now I have decided its time to engage the brain in something more productive and since I dont have the intellectual capability to develop a car that runs on water, I had to settle for blowing new life into this relic of a blog. And even though I will still be using this space to whine and rant but at least my friends will have the choice to close the browser or surf away if it is too much to handle without hurting my feelings.
To new Beginnings!!!
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