Tuesday, April 20, 2010


I chat with M
M is busy
I decide to bug M
I type 'do you love me?' and hit send.
I realise M has not received the message.
The message is sent to some guy
A guy I haven't talked to in 3 years.
Not talked to him since graduation.
we went to school together.
I froze and seemingly he froze.
I type OMG
He types ROFL
I type wrong window
He types ROFL
I stop typing
He types in that case I do
I recover and type hehehe
He types still LOL
Then we catch up.
Typical desi catching up, you single yes, me too, yayy, parents giving a hard time, i like freedom, peer pressure, friends changing diapers (their kids hopefully) left right center, feeling anxious, feeling left out, still stuck working in IT, me too, yaar, yeah too bad.
I lecture him about how marriage will be the end of his life, his freedom and he should only marry a girl out of choice and that he shouldn't have a hard time finding one since random girls are asking him if he loved them.
He laughs some more and asks me how did I get my parents to let up the marriage pressure off off me.
I impart wisdom" lots of patience and hard work and some turning 34 which makes me a dinosaur in the desi marriage market, and convincing them that as good human beings they cannot knowingly make life hell for a nice, good looking, educated Pakistani guy from a good family by marrying him off to me :)"
He stops typing.
I type ROFL
I sign off


APOO said...

Do you love me?

the free spirit said...

Well you are back at my blog so maybe hehehe