It has never been about has always been about politics, wealth and control. Religion has always been used to manipulate the faithful, to control the weak and to gain power. This is why fear is instilled in people and people are brain washed to do heinous acts like this.
Religion is what has brought the most destruction in this world. The greatest of atrocities have been committed in the name of religion. Does that mean the religion itself is bad? Are the people following it, evil? Not at all!! Their only flaw: religion makes them emotional, and their blind faith makes them gullible.
Every religion talks about peace, love, tolerance and balance. All prophets were advanced souls who brought light to the people. The weak and the poor followed them to find peace in their hearts and reason in their suffering. The religion gave them hope, peace and freedom but it also gave the rich an opportunity to control them, in the name of God. This is the history of mankind. Greed has always marred faith.
Today someone is using the Muslims to do their dirty work for them (has been for close to 25 years). Why Muslims? Because they are frustrated, weak, emotional, poor and illiterate and they still believe in God and hence can be brainwashed. But why the brain wash? So they can look like the enemy. But why them? They are not united, their leaders are greedy and don't care about them and their land covers the most oil reserves of the world.
I wish we were an island in the south pacific. No one would care about us enough to bomb us. I wish we did not border Afghanistan, Iran and china. I wish we had no natural resources, I wish the Kings of the world had no vested interest in our land.
I wish God would come down and settle all this once and for all.
Disclaimer: This is exclusively my opinion. I am in no way trying to make a political or religious statement. If anything, it is the most non-political and non-religious I can be. I am sorry if my words attack the reader's religious or political beliefs.
The Golden Rule:
BUDDHISM: Hurt not others in ways that you yourself would find hurtful.
ISLAM: No one of you is a believer until he desires for his brother that whic he desires for himself.
CHRISTIANITY: Do unto others as you have them do unto you.
JUDAISM: What is hateful to you do not to your feloow man. That is the entire LAW; all the rest is commentary.
BHAI FAITH: Blessed is he preferreth his brother before himself.
Conclusion: One does not require a religion to practice this for even a good harted athiest or a child who has no concept of relgion would pracatice this by default.
Rules and laws are meant to be broken (wheather its politcal or religion) but the LAWS of NATURE cannot be broken. It will reap its cause to over come the evil. Remember, both politics and religion are based on power to control the mass.
Strongly agree.. with the comment. "both politics and religion are based on power to control the mass."
Yes ultimately :)does not start of as that. Religion in true form is a study of human nature that the enlightened conduct to learn and teach us about nature so we can control the tendencies that take us towards evil and do what will make us righteous and happy and the world peaceful.
But, eventually religion always changes form and becomes man-made, tailored to suit the powerful in order to control the masses. It is all emotions and drama and if it werent, religion would be useless for the leaders, politicians, kings, churches and all those who in the history has made use of it.
So yes i agree with you both :)
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